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Point of View


Countries - Germany / release Year - 2017 / / Karl Kraemer and his wife Maria, a formally well known singer who suddenly has lost her voice, are visited by their grown up children and at this family gathering they have to face unresolved conflicts of the past / Drama / writers - Otwin Biernat, Otwin Biernat.

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This film is about Karl Kramer, an elderly man dealing with his wife Maria's misfortune when she, an opera singer, loses her voice. Their three children visit for Karl's birthday, bringing a psychologist along with them to hopefully help ease the burden of dealing with Maria's loss.
The siblings argue and Anne, the sister, breaks out into tears. Despite the tumultuous atmosphere, Karl never loses sight of his beloved wife, constantly engaging with her.
What once seemed to be overshadowed by Maria's grand persona, all comes to surface in this boldly experimental film.
One of the underlying questions posed during these breathless eighty-five minutes, is who we are in the face of loss. The answer is precisely what Karl is terrified to know.
His son Lukas attempts a reality check when he presents a family photo album to his father, in vain. He breaks the fourth wall and shouts: Mom, I hate you. br> A glimpse of truth, no matter how painful, becomes the beautiful relief of a hope to shatter the walls of illusion and start anew.
Karl remains in his world together with his wife, and even though their children are very much alive and vocal, their voices will never replace that of his beloved Maria, which internally, and eternally, guides his being.
In experimental fashion, Otwin Biernat chooses a one shot sequence, which evokes and projects the echo of Maria beyond the screen and onto the audience.
Daringly setting out on a journey towards the company of such masters as Michael Haneke and Sebastian Schipper, Point of View' is a strong prologue to what this young filmmaker has in store.

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